Thursday, February 11, 2010


On a very snowy evening we had almost perfect attendance
at our meeting to discuss "The Straight Man" by Richard Russo.
If you don't see your photo below then you were not there. Maybe you
were in Florida enjoying the sunshine.

Most of us had read the book, some had not completed it but everyone liked it.
Every one thought it was humorously written and some people said they had
laugh out loud experiences. Hank Deveroux is the chairperson of the English
department of a poorly funded University. Everyone in the department is
fearing the outcome of next year's cuts. Russo paints his characters well.
Madeleine read a quote which she thought summed the book up. Julie explained
the reference to Occam's Razor.

We went around the table and each person got to say something that struck
them. I thought the hot tub scene and the time Hank spent in the ceiling after
urinating while the English Department conducted a meeting was hilarious.
Kathy liked the racquetball scene. Donna commented on professors and their
uniqueness. Sarah who now works in Academia could attest to all their quirks.

The used Mr. Purdy was brought up. He would be the polar opposite to
these proffesorial types who are sometimes posturing and pompous.
He drove a pick up truck and was actually handy. He also ate scrapple.

The relationship of Hank and his father was discussed also. He never got over
his father. The opening scenes when he was a child trying to convince his
father that he should get a dog set the tone. Nancy felt like their were many
little stories within the big story. I wonder if the big story was the passing
of the "alleged" kidney stone.

Diane did not want to choose a book in her absence and Nancy did not
want to be rushed.

So I chose the next book called "Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese.
It was well recommended.
April 7th was chosen for the next meeting. Venue will be announced with
reminder email. Next chooser should be Nancy as Diana will
probably not return till May .