Friday, June 11, 2010

"The Help" by Katryn Stockett

On June 10, we met to discuss
Kathryn Stockett's first novel "The Help". There were 8 present. Those who managed to make it were Susie, Nancy, Madeleine, Diana, Julie, Sarah, Donna and Nettie. Since we had not seen each other practically all summer it was fun to meet and catch up and hear all the new things happening to us. Some good some bad.

We had all read the book and some had read it
twice. We agreed it was one that was compelling
to read and impossible to put down once started.
What a fabulous 1st novel, how can this author
even hope to come close on her next try.
Some of the things discussed were of course
the nasty prejudice of the south and the fact that
these things were occurring in the 1960's. Some
reminisced on segregation at the Riviera club and
the swimming pools in Columbus, Ohio. We laughed
at the fact that these black maids were clean enough to
feed a white family but not clean enough to use their
bathrooms. Nancy said the southern folk regarded
blacks as property rather than humans. The black
deacon of the church said "Mississippi and the real world are
2 different places". How true.
We enjoyed the storytelling from all the maids' points of
view and wished we could have listened, instead
of read the book it as it would have been an enhancement.
It was sad, it was amusing and the characters were
unforgettable. Some topics of brief discussion included
the dubious contents of Minny's chocolate pies,
skeeter's first date and her mentoring from the
very tough New York editor.

Next book chosen by Diana is "Undress Me In The Temple of Heaven" by
Susan Jane Gilman. It is a story of two young backpackers who go to
China just as it was opening up to the West and they run into a lot
of unforseen adventures. It sounds like fun and I immediately
by accident bought it on my Kindle. The next meeting was scheduled for July 15th.