Friday, March 18, 2011

On Wednesday March 16, St. Patrick's Day's eve,
4 people were able to attend the book club meeting
held at Uno's. Madeleine, Kathy, Sarah and I were
present to discuss Louise Erdrich's book "Shadow Tag"
which was chosen by Sarah.
We had read the book and we had lots of
discussion about the 2 main characters, Irene
and Gil who shared a love-hate relationship
and created a totally dysfunctional setting
for their 3 children. None of us cared for either
Irene or Gil. We felt that they both manipulated each
other. Irene even created a 2nd dairy which she knew her
husband was reading and planted all sorts of hurtful lies
inside even going so far as to deny him the paternity of his
3 children when she invented false lovers. He in turn used
her to create his art by painting her in almost pornographic
situations and knowing she was alcoholic used the
drug to seduce and manipulate her.
We laughed at the scene when they are fired by their
therapist. These 2 people clearly should have
divorced but seemingly were unable to live
with or without each other. Too bad they had to
involve their 3 children who certainly suffered in
this domestic drama. So we are "over it" and will move
on. I might try to visit Louise's book store in Minnesota
at the end of the month when I am visiting my
grandson. She has written 13 other books so is
very prolific and she is a good writer.
Betsy offered 3 books for her choice and we voted on
them and chose a book called "Born On A Blue Day",
written by Daniel Tammet and is told through the eyes of
an autistic savant who is a high functioning mathematical
genius. I started it and so far am really liking it.
We decided to try May 11th for the next meeting.
Happy reading and hope to see more people when next
we meet.!