Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"A Walk Across The Sun" by Corban Addison

On November 12, 2014 we met at Chili's to discuss my choice which
was "A Walk Across the Sun", by Corban Addison.
There were  8 of us present, including Kathy, Madeleine, Nancy, Julie, Janet, Sarah,
Betsy and Nettie.
We had all read the book and agreed that the subject of child slave sex trafficking
was not a pleasant one but we learned a lot about  this subject on an
international level . It also was  the first time we have had read a book on this
subject. We have read many books on slavery and the holocaust so a new insight on 
a different subject was educational.
Some thought the author began well but rushed through the second half and he was
not always a literary genius.
But he wove together the story of the hero Thomas finding some meaning
in his life , winning back his wife with the story of the 2 Indian girls and their 
journey into the sex trade on to eventual freedom.
So the book though it takes us into some unpleasant, raw scenes it is rooted
in reality that as long as men will buy sex with young girls this
nasty business will endure.  The book ends with redemption, beauty overcoming hate, and we 
feel good at the end. We feel hope that  their are unselfish  people out there
working in organizations to end these crimes against children. The task seems
daunting but as Mother Theresa says you do the thing that is in front of you,
and then you move on.

Madeleine chose a book called "the Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd
which is a historical fiction about slavery and 2 southern women who became
Quakers and helped in the abolition movement. Janet will choose the
next book.
Sarah graciously invited us to her home and we chose December 17th as
the next date. Maybe we can all make it a holiday gathering for our
group. Have a great Thanksgiving with loved ones.