Monday, November 28, 2016

I Let You Go by Clare McIntosh

Our last meeting was held at Donna's home and she had 2 yummy
soups, bread, salad and of course dessert and vino.
We were joined by Don who graciously kept our wine glasses full.

We all enjoyed the thriller which kept us riveted. The author worked
for many years as a detective in England before she settled into
journalism and writing. Do you also notice the resemblance  she
bears to Fergie?
Our author purposely leads us down a different path intentionally
confusing us  between the mother of the boy who was hit and
the other woman fleeing from her abused husband.
We get inside the police investigative process in England as Ray and Kate follow lots of dead
end clues  but doggedly pursues the case despite opposition 
from their superiors. During the process a 
 mini romantic attraction between the chief Ray and the
rookie detective Kate develops. 
The book is well developed as it twists and turns as a good
detective story should. Happily the abused wife overcomes the
husband's grip and all ends well.
Sarah chose Georgia by Dawn Tripp as our next read. It is about O'Keefe
and Alfred Steiglitz.
The proposed date was the 2nd Wednesday in December which is
the 14th.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Under The Influence by Joyce Maynard

We met at Rockstone on September 7, to discuss
Joyce Maynard's novel "Under The Influence".
The members who attended were Kathy, Sarah, Donna,
Nettie, Julie and Janet.
The book we all agreed was a page turner,
but maybe a beach read which is not really a bad
thing. Sometimes Beach reads are great for a busy 
summer schedule.
The book is about a single mother who is
struggling with alcoholism which caused her
to lose custody of her young son Ollie.
The book does not concentrate on her alcoholism
but the bad choices she makes in life.
The mother  Helen is seduced by a wealthy couple who
seek to control her choices and her entire life.
Eva wants to dress Helen, she wants to have her at her
beck and call. She denigrates the only person who
really cares for Helen always pointing out his ordinariness 
and shortcomings.  They try to take over her child. 
The friendship is caustic and eventually she sees them
for what they really are after a very disastrous incident
her son had with the husband Skip while on a
boating trip. The self serving wealthy couple
are eventually exposed for their misdeeds and
we get the feeling that Helen may be on the
road to healing.
I think most of us liked the book and even went
on the read her bestseller "Labor Day".
Kathy led a great discussion from the study guide
questions .
Donna chose a book by Kate MacIntosh entitled.
"I let You Go".
we chose October 26th for the next meeting.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler

On June 20, 2016 we held our meeting at
Rockstone Pizza. It was a small group of 6 members,
Kathy, Betsy, Donna, Sue, Carol and Nettie.
Sue did a fantastic job of leading the discussion with
the help of the book club suggested topics.
The Spool of Blue Thread was a quintessential
Anne Tyler book about 4 generations of an
American family totally heartwarming and at the
same time dysfunctional.
We discussed the characters we felt were important
and agreed they were Denny the problem child and Abby
the mother who was going to keep her family united.
She was the spool of blue thread who tried to keep
her family grounded and together.
The house that was built by the eldest Whitshank for a 
wealthy client  almost becomes 
a character in the book and so it was surprising that none
of the Whitshank children chose to keep the home.
The story flip flops between the different generations
but all came together. 
Eventually they had to deal with old age and dementia
like all families.  The Whitshanks could be any of our
families, just  ordinary people trying to attain togetherness.    

Kathy chose "Under The Influence" by Joyce Maynard.
It is about a recovering alcoholic who makes some
bad choices regarding a couple who greatly influenced her.
September 7th was targeted for the next meeting.

Monday, July 11, 2016

A Man Called Ove by Frederik Backman

We met in June at Rockstone Pizza to discuss
Madeleine's choice "A Man Called Ove" by
Swedish author Fredrik Backman. It has been
a while so bear with me if I am incorrect. I recall
that those attending were Madeleine, Julie, Betsy, Sue,
Carol, Julie, Donna, Nancy, Janet, Sarah and Me.
Those who read the book did not start out liking
Ove who was a cantankerous curmudgeon and widower who
lived by order and rules and was annoyed by any who
did not follow the rules in his housing complex.
He was set in his ways such as only driving a Volvo
and breaking up a long term relationship with a
neighbor as he bought a BMW. 
However as we learn more about him we start to
like him. We learn about his motherless childhood,
his heartwarming courtship and love for his deceased 
wife Sonja, his high principles for doing the right thing.
Ove is trying to commit suicide but is failing miserable 
because he gets involved with new neighbors who are
needy Iranians. He forms an unlikely friendship with one of
the children, adopts a messy stray cat, teaches a woman
to drive his Volvo, harbors a gay boy whose
father has estranged him. He is needed by his neighbors to
fix their heating units, helps a boy fix a bicycle. As he
becomes needed and involved he morphs into a generous
caring person. Ironically he dies of a heart attack at the end of 
the book just when he had given up ideas of suicide.
Sue chose an Anne Tyler book called "A Spool of Blue Thread".
A date was chosen but had to be cancelled.       

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My Notorious Life by Kate Manning

On April 13th we met at my home to discuss Janet's book
"My Notorious Life" by Kate Manning.
It has been a while but I remember Kathy, Madeleine, Sarah, Donna,
and Janet attending. 
This was the first time the chooser admitted to not liking
her choice. This was the story of Axie Muldoon, an Irish Orphan who
against all odds rises from rags to riches in 19th century
New York. She apprentices as a midwife/abortionist and
becomes  very successful and notorious in her field.
Her husband a very enterprising orphan himself starts a
mail order business selling abortion  pills, French
letters and related items.
Abortion was against the law but not enforced till one
crusader made Axie his special project. She serves prison
time and  eventually moves to London where she continues
to ply her trade.
We had discussion on the morality of the abortions and its
timing and learned that women had very few rights then
and no voice in how to solve their own problems.
It was an age old story of women's struggles to gain control of
basic rights.  This was historical fiction loosely based on an
abortionist named Ann Lohman who is not very well known.

Madeleiene chose a book by Fredrik Backman entitled,
"A Man Called Ove" which is a charming debut novel about
a curmudgeon. We chose May 18th to be the next date. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman

On March 16th, 2016 we held our book discussion at Chilis.
We had 7 attendees including Sarah, Janet, Kathy, Betsy, Donna,
Madeleine and Nettie.
We discussed which marriage or relationship was the one the author intended in the title.
Most thought Rachel and both husbands were opposites. But when we looked at
most of the relationships we saw opposites. Although people are similar in religion,
race, and social class and ideally suited for each other that does not guarantee
a successful marriage.  
We talked about Rachel's relationship with her mother as well as her
relationships with the other women in her life, like Jestine, Adele and Rosalie.
Rachel and her mother had a flawed relationship.
The mother did not want her daughter to be educated and did not care
for her daughter's headstrong manner which was unsuitable for the 1800's
We liked the setting of the novel and learned a lot about the Jewish refugees
settling in the Caribbean and their adherence to the strict religious rules
in that part of the world. We also learned about the Danish government and how they
settled St. Thomas. We thought the author put us right in the midst of the flora and
fauna and the blueness of the Caribbean Sea and the creole food along with the demon Rum.
It was a huge plus to then have one of Rachel's sons be Camile Pissaro who was one
of the fathers of Impressionism. Later whilst sipping wine we looked at several of his paintings.
We could see where some were influenced by his time in St. Thomas.
We also discussed the fact that Pissaro's mother opposed his marriage to their
housemaid and that she supported him financially throughout his life. She was disappointed that he chose a creative rather than practical career . Her disappointment with his marriage and career consumes her in the end.
Janet chose a book called "My Notorious Life" by Katie Manning and 
we are aiming to meet again on April 13th .

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

On January 21 we met at my house to discuss Nancy's book "The Nightingale"
written by Kristin Hannah.
After pizza and a lovely salad made by Madeleine, we
had a very fine discussion led by a well prepared Nancy.
Betsy made a cameo appearance but opted for tennis.
Julie, Nancy, Madeleine, Kathy, Sarah, Carol, Sue, Doug and I
filled out the attendance role.

Nancy set the tone by a quotation.
In love we find out who we want to be.
In war we find out who we are.
Two different sisters separated by age and circumstances
find out who they are in war torn France during the German
occupation. Survival is the keynote here and the elder sister who
has a child must do all she can to save her family. She finds herself
doing things including killing a German man who was
billeted in her home.

The younger sister is rebellious and reckless and joins
the resistance. She led many downed allied pilots across the
Pyrenees into Spain so they could get back to bombing Germany.
She became known as the Nightingale and showed extra ordinary
courage for an 18 year old. Her romance with another partisan Gaetan
added some extra heat, though some said it was like a romance novel.
The author intentionally misleads us to believe it is the youngest
sister who is the survivor in Oregon. We discussed this twist and 
agreed it added to the overall effect of the novel.

We discussed the possibility of a movie and who might be the 
stars chosen for the roles.
Nancy went around the room and gave each person a chance to say
why they liked or disliked the novel.

I chose a book called "The Marriage of Opposites" by Alice Hoffman.
It is set on the Island of St. Thomas during the 1800's which is the
birthplace of Camille Pissaro who is the father of Impressionism.
We chose February 24th for our next meeting but as usual it  might
be subject to change due to a possible Florida trip.