Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles


On June 23rd, we met at Betsy's home to discuss her book
"The Lincoln Highway" by Amor Towles,
Betsy had questions penned by the author himself to guide our
discussion. Though the book was over 500 pages most people had read it
and thoroughly enjoyed it.
This is a fast paced and reflective adventure story centered on three young men
who were incarcerated in a juvenile work camp. The 3 boys are joined by Billy
a bright 10 year old on the Odyssey.  It is an adventure story set in 1954 and lasts
 for 10 days when they travel the Lincoln Highway from Nebraska to New York and then to
San Francisco. Each boy is different and they have conflicting motives for making the
trip. The author has created so many different characters and each character gets to
narrate the happenings of each day. They are joined by Sally a caring young
lady who is in love with one of the boys and has her own agenda for going along.
They meet a cast of characters along the way some of which are very minor
ones but all are important in the big picture of the adventure.
Some of the themes in the book are physical violence, murder, racism,
 corporal punishment of minors, suicide, greed, exploitation, autism, and revenge.
The end of the book leaves the reader on their own to decide what really happens.
There is a dream sequence which helps us to decide.
Discussion was animated and we all had a chance to voice our opinions.
We also welcomed our newest member, Linda Pratt who added many good
insights to our discussion. 

Betsy made a shrimp pasta salad, a watermelon mint cucumber salad and another 
vegetable salad. Dessert was a whipped cream and strawberry concoction topped
with cognac. Betsy indeed set the bar high with all these delicacies. 

Carol chose a book about homelessness entitled "The Man in The dog Park".


One Night Two Souls Went Walking by Ellen Cooney


In April we met at Sarah's home to discuss her book choice

which was entitled "One Night Two Souls Went Walking" by Ellen Cooney.

Sarah fixed a lovely vegetarian supper including a tasty lentil soup, a great bread

and a healthy salad. We of course accompanied this with lots of wine and beer.

The book is about a young female hospital chaplain who is joined one

night on her rounds by a rough and tumble dog who may or may not 

have been a ghost. This very caring chaplain tends to the souls of her

patients who are young and old, some living their last moments and others

navigating their altered lives. 

Our Reverend was raised as a Catholic but she switched to a Protestant religion

when she discovered that girls can't become priests. She works the night shift and because of her 

caring is a very popular chaplain who does not quote the bible but has a sense

of what people need to hear. The book makes a great argument for the existence of

a soul and an afterlife. There is no great plot just mainly separate vignettes of different

patients. She brings peace to their minds and souls.

The book is sometimes humorous and whimsical but it is also very thought

provoking and uplifting.

Betsy chose "The Lincoln Highway" by Amor Towles for our June meeting.