Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Mad Honey by Jody Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan

 In September Doug hosted at my house to discuss his choice “Mad Honey” which was a collaboration

of two authors and also narrated by two different characters. The book also flips between the past and the present.  This book shed a lot of light on transgender issues which is becoming quite a commonplace event today. It is the story of a young transgendered girl who falls in love with a young boy. She has kept her sex change a secret from him. The boy and his father both have a history of violence,  The young girl is found dead and the young man is accused of her murder so now there is a gripping court case. It makes for a suspenseful and gripping read.

Besides learning a lot about hormone therapy and the surgical details of transgender techniques we learned about bees. There was a parallel between the bee colony and the human colony. What we do learn is that a parent has to have strength and love and conviction to deal with a child who is convinced he or she needs to be transgendered. Many of us parents were happy that we did not have to deal with these challenges.

Doug led a well prepared discussion.and brought us great pizzas and many bottles of wine.

Kathy chose a book called  “ The Ride of Her Life” by Elizabeth Letts.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

 In August we met at Donna's new home in Westfield to discuss her book choice

the steamy "Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Donna had

several quiches and homemade bread accompanied by good wine being poured by

our sommelier Don.

This was a great beach read full of gossipy Hollywood glamour. Evelyn is an aging

movie legend who hires a young reporter to write her memoirs. She has been married 7

times and each marriage helped to further her career or was one of subterfuge to hide her

lesbian affair with another actress. This was supposed to be loosely based on the life of

Elizabeth Taylor.

There is a back story and a mystery as to why this unknown reporter was handed this plum

assignment. It was a fun juicy read.

Doug chose a Jody Picoult book called "Mad Honey" for the next read.  

Friday, June 16, 2023

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

 In June, we met at Laura's home where Linda hosted. Linda had prepared
for the discussion and being a retired Literature teacher she did a fantastic job in 
leading. This was also the author's debut novel and she grew up in the Pacific
Northwest where the novel is set. She was inspired to write this novel when she
saw a video of an Octopus opening a locked box in order to get a treat, The idea
of Marcellus the  main character who is a remarkably bright creature came to her,
The story is about an Octopus who is captured and lives in an aquarium but
he is bored and makes nightly excursions out of his tank to get  more delectable
food items from the other tanks as well as some Chinese food he happens upon.
Marcellus observes humans everyday and has many wry observations of their
He forms a relationship with Tova, a  grieving cleaner who has lost her son,
husband and brother. She has no family left and is an inscrutable, strong Swedish
lady who is in her 70's, Marcellus helps solve the mystery of her son's death.
He also connects her with her grandson Cameron who is searching for his
unknown father, Cameron is a hapless young man who up to this point has not
been very responsible in life. With the help of Ethan, a gregarious local store keeper
and Tova who both show him kindness and love he is learning to do things right.
You have to love this book and the Giant Pacific Octopus who risks his short
life to help all these humans some of which he says are remarkably bright creatures.

Linda had a variety of salads such as chicken, eggs, grapes, and broccoli. She ended
with a wonderful pie and fudge. This was all accompanied by wine while we sat at
Laura's beautifully set table. The dynamic duo of Linda and Laura set the
bar high for Donna who is our next hostess. She chose a book called The
Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins.

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

In May, we met at Madeleine's home to discuss her book
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. This book is set
in the 1960's when women were not well respected in the
male dominated scientific workplace. Elizabeth Zott is a
research chemist working at Hastings laboratory. She is
treated more like a secretary rather than an equal except
for Calvin Evans a brilliant Nobel prize winner who falls
in love with her mind. They have a wonderful relationship
but then he dies leaving her with an unexpected daughter.
Elizabeth has to leave her research position because her
boss molests her and she is struggling  as a single mom
to raise her very bright daughter. Bonnie starts to host
a TV cooking show called Supper at Six which becomes
a huge hit because it begins to empower women to live
their best lives and to pursue their dreams. 
We were encouraged to share stories of personal experiences
in the workplace that might have been similar to Elizabeth's.
This book was witty, and sometimes even hilarious. It was
the author's debut novel. The book was full of charm, energy
and hope. It tackles feminism, resilience and features a great
dog. It was a book to savor.
Madeleine had nibbles for our discussion and lots of
wine to accompany our many Cosco treats of sandwiches,
salads and cookies. 
Linda chose a book called Remarkably Bright Creatures
for our next read.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

In early March Nettie hosted book club to discuss her choice
"The Last Dreamwalker" by Rita Woods.
This book is about a young African American woman whose
mother has just died. She has been plagued by bad dreams all her life.
She is descended from the Gullah people who are descendants of
slaves from West Africa who were brought to the rice plantations
of South Carolina. She learns that she has inherited the gift of
entering people's dreams and can manipulate them, This gift has been handed down
for generations to the third daughter in the Gullah family, She also
learns she has inherited a small island in South Carolina. This island was 
signed over to one of her dreamwalking ancestors who manipulated her slave master to do so
in his dream.
Layla then embarks on a journey where she learns about her
mother's ancestors and meets some very interesting aunts, Her job is to reclaim 
the island,and  make amends with a slightly crazed aunt. She turns the 
island into an artist colony, Though this whole dreamwalking is a bit
far fetched, we did learn a lot about the Gullah culture and about their
food, The book may have gone on a little longer than necessary,
This was probably not a favorite with members but those who read it
had some thing positive to say 
Nettie served Jambalaya from a Gullah recipe, Kathy made some 
good corn bread and Laura Derrickson made her famous Key Lime Pies.
Madeleine chose "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus.


The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin


In Early February Molly hosted us at her beautiful home.

We discussed her book "The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Hoosier author,

Melanie Benjamin. This was a historical fiction about Truman Capote and

his friendship with the very wealthy elite of Fifth Avenue in the 50's and 60's.

It focuses primarily with his friendship with Babe Paley who is the wife of Bill 

Paley, the CBS magnate.  All that glitters is not gold as there are many sad stories

behind the glittering facade,

Truman is depicted as a troubled unwanted child whose only desire is to be

accepted and loved. He is privy to all the secrets of these wealthy socialites.

He then betrays them when he publishes a scandalous story about them, Names are not

mentioned but they know who they are. Truman falls from grace and is shunned by all.

This was a very interesting tale about some very unlikeable characters.

Molly had three kinds of pies. There was a Thai Pie, a chicken pot pie and a

vegetarian pie. This was accompanied by a lovely green salad and a cake. 

We had lots of wine and almost a perfect attendance. Julie and Carol were unable

to attend.