Saturday, March 25, 2023

In early March Nettie hosted book club to discuss her choice
"The Last Dreamwalker" by Rita Woods.
This book is about a young African American woman whose
mother has just died. She has been plagued by bad dreams all her life.
She is descended from the Gullah people who are descendants of
slaves from West Africa who were brought to the rice plantations
of South Carolina. She learns that she has inherited the gift of
entering people's dreams and can manipulate them, This gift has been handed down
for generations to the third daughter in the Gullah family, She also
learns she has inherited a small island in South Carolina. This island was 
signed over to one of her dreamwalking ancestors who manipulated her slave master to do so
in his dream.
Layla then embarks on a journey where she learns about her
mother's ancestors and meets some very interesting aunts, Her job is to reclaim 
the island,and  make amends with a slightly crazed aunt. She turns the 
island into an artist colony, Though this whole dreamwalking is a bit
far fetched, we did learn a lot about the Gullah culture and about their
food, The book may have gone on a little longer than necessary,
This was probably not a favorite with members but those who read it
had some thing positive to say 
Nettie served Jambalaya from a Gullah recipe, Kathy made some 
good corn bread and Laura Derrickson made her famous Key Lime Pies.
Madeleine chose "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus.


The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin


In Early February Molly hosted us at her beautiful home.

We discussed her book "The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Hoosier author,

Melanie Benjamin. This was a historical fiction about Truman Capote and

his friendship with the very wealthy elite of Fifth Avenue in the 50's and 60's.

It focuses primarily with his friendship with Babe Paley who is the wife of Bill 

Paley, the CBS magnate.  All that glitters is not gold as there are many sad stories

behind the glittering facade,

Truman is depicted as a troubled unwanted child whose only desire is to be

accepted and loved. He is privy to all the secrets of these wealthy socialites.

He then betrays them when he publishes a scandalous story about them, Names are not

mentioned but they know who they are. Truman falls from grace and is shunned by all.

This was a very interesting tale about some very unlikeable characters.

Molly had three kinds of pies. There was a Thai Pie, a chicken pot pie and a

vegetarian pie. This was accompanied by a lovely green salad and a cake. 

We had lots of wine and almost a perfect attendance. Julie and Carol were unable

to attend.