Saturday, January 8, 2022

The World That We Knew


In October we met at Laura Derrickson's home to discuss her book

"The World That We Knew" by Alice Hoffman. The book begins in Berlin

in 1941 when a mother decides she must send her 12 year old daughter, Lea. away to

save her from Hitler's regime. She seeks the help of a mystical Rabbi but ultimately it

is the Rabbi's daughter Ettie,  who creates a Golem out of mud. The Golem, Ava, accompanies

 Ettie and her sister and Lea to France. So we were introduced to Jewish Mysticism and the

 mixing of it with realism, The Golem is invincible, strong, loyal and lacks nothing except a

soul and her chief purpose is to protect Lea. Once we suspended our disbeliefs we were 

taken on a magical journey of love, sacrifice  and survival by Hoffman who is a fine storyteller.

There were many themes of love explored between mother and daughter, between sisters,

and between man and woman.

We had a good discussion,

I chose "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig for the next read,      


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